Please Pray for my CT Scan and Results Tomorrow

I would really appreciate your prayers! Tomorrow morning I go in for my 4th post surgery/chemo CT scan; just to make sure that I am still all good and cancer free. I am always anxious around this time, and so I would appreciate your prayers for peace that surpasses understanding for both me and my wife. And of course, please pray that I am exceedingly healthy and cancer free! My wife, Angela, and I would really appreciate it.

It is interesting around this time; there are moments where there seems to be a great spiritual struggle that ensues. I get these feelings, at points, of utter fear; the same kind of feelings I got the first time that I was sitting (pretty much un-assuming) in a doctor’s office when he told me that I had a large mass in my abdomen (maybe something like PTSD — but I think it’s more spiritual than that too). Whenever these jolts of fear hit (usually in the week leading up to the day of the CT scan); they are always accompanied by the rushing in of the LORD’s still small voice — it is the same voice that encouraged me while I had the cancer, the voice (of the LORD) says “when it’s gone, it’s gone!” and “Good news!” The LORD ministered to me all the way through the cancer like this, and he continues to; especially as we press up against days like tomorrow.

Anyway, I thought I would just share a little testimony; and I can’t implore you enough for you prayers! Thank you. In Christ. amen.

6 thoughts on “Please Pray for my CT Scan and Results Tomorrow

  1. Bobby, I will keep you in prayer. Please pray for Benjamin who has an appointment tomorrow morning for the results of the MRI he had on Saturday. We continue to pray to our Father in Jesus’ name for a full restoration of sight by removal of the tumor.


  2. You got it, Bobby. I’ll put a post-it by my computer to remind me throughout the day. God bless you.


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