2 thoughts on “My ‘Theory of Revelation’ and Scripture

  1. That is a clearly put, helpful summary of your view, so thanks aplenty! I am new to theological study, but I find myself drawn to this Barthian/Torrancean/Websterian approach to Scripture (possibly due to my being a student of Myk’s?) for its determination that ‘the last word’ actually goes to God, and not (as our fundamentalist-leaning brethren would have us believe) the Bible.

    I don’t think it is too complicated for people to understand either, which is nice. Plenty of Christian folks I know resist going deeper in their theology because they perceive it to be a) beyond their ability, b) boring, c) a bit scary, or some combination of the three. But often I think that they have that view because of how they view Scripture. Now, that’s not to say that understanding God and Scripture and theology is suddenly made easy, but one is definitely freed up to new possibilities of learning and growth.

    God Bless!


  2. @Mark,

    Thank you for the feedback! Glad to know it was clear enough; it’s always hard talking into a youtube video and camera, trying to pretend that you’re actually talking to someone 😉 . I’m sure Myk is the one who has corrupted you, no doubt 🙂 … glad to have you over on the ‘dark side’ hehe. It is a refreshing way to think of scripture, indeed! One that is not mired in defending it, as if our lives depended on it; instead our lives depend upon the One who has and is our Advocate (I Jn 2), Jesus Christ … sweet stuff! Thanks for sharing, Mark; and tell Myk hi for me.


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